Risk and Decision Making Lab

Louisiana State University


The RANDM Lab is currently seeking graduate and undergraduate students to join the lab. We have openings for paid and volunteer positions. If you're interested in I/O psychology, risk-taking, judgment and decision-making, cognitive science, or statistics, please consider joining our lab! A list of openings can be found below:

Undergraduate Research Assistant

You may volunteer for the lab or participate for course credit. Ideal applicants should have a GPA of 3.5. You do not, however, have to be a psychology major. Undergraduate research assistants will also be enrolled in either PSY2999 or PSY4999. Students who are brand new to research may volunteer during their first semester and enroll for course credit in the second semester. If you do not wish to take PSY2999 or PSY4999 credits but still want to volunteer as an RA, please speak with Dr. Zhang. Other options for research involvement (e.g., via Presidents Aid) is available. Please speak with Dr. Zhang about your arrangement.

What will you do?

Research assistants in the RANDM Lab engage in a variety of tasks including, but not limited to the following:

  • Conduct literature reviews
  • Data entry and data coding
  • Helping design studies
  • Run experiments in the lab
  • Develop computer programs
  • Conduct data analysis
  • Reviewing and editing manuscripts
  • Etc.

Time Commitment

You are required to commit 3 hours of work per credit hour that you signed up for. Volunteer research assistants are expected to commit between 3~6 hours per week. Two semester commitment is requirement to receive a letter of recommendation. Thus, strong preference will be given for students earlier in their education (e.g., 1st - 3rd year students). Students who are volunteering and in their first semester of research are only expected to attend lab meetings and participant in lab trainings.

Ph.D. Student

The RANDM lab is currently accepting graduate applications. Interested applicants are encouraged to consider their fit with the lab by reviewing the research statements on the website as well as publications from the lab. This will give the prospective applicant a preview of the kind of research we are currently engaged with.

Competitive applicants who are a good fit for the lab should exhibit the following.

  • Intense curiosity for research

  • Evidence-driven and have a knack for data/statistics

  • Interest in topics related to risk-taking, decision-making, and employee selection

  • Self starter. Highly motivated and driven

Please visit the LSU Psychology Department website for more instructions on how to apply. if On your application, please list Dr. Don Zhang as the primary adviser.


If you are interested in getting involved with research with the RANDM Lab, please contact Dr. Zhang ([email protected]) or complete the application form below: (Or click this link)


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